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Jess Jadrnicek
April 15, 1978 - June 3, 2002 10:10 pm

June 7, 2002 Friday Sunset

On the evening after Jess was cremated,
We took his ashes up on Bolinas Ridge at sunset,
and this is the sunset Jess gave us all ...

This picture was taken about an hour after sunset,
using a digital camera Jess gave me for X-mas,
The picture doesn't do it justice,
the central cone is twice as high as shown,
with a vertical green shaft up the middle.
(notice the horizontal green band)
This picture is untouched except for feathering at far left,
and the composite of Heather and Jess ...

This is how it lookedwhen the Park Ranger made his rounds
to clear people out ...
He said it was the longest sunset he had ever seen ...

It prompted the following vision from Heather's father ...

Jess, I heard you blowing up the valley through the grass before the sun set, as you caressed your parents, giving thanks and honor. There was a calm to your voice while you told them how much you loved them and thanked them for a joyful life And then with the sun about to hit the water, you gathered yourself. For the next hour we got to see you as you have always been and the being you will always be, an angel of light. You filled the sky with your presence with a seldom seen brilliance. Your face in the clouds, your body as yellow blue green light stretching through the clouds to other worlds. The sun long set, you rose up to the oncoming night sky, refusing to cower, refusing to step down. You made the sky a sunrise in a higher horizon. The pulse of your light danced in the smallest of movements, colors shifting until yellows gave way to orange, blues to purple. As you left you sent a deer to your mom and bob's "natural mystic" to your father. Warm winds kissed your parents, telling them you were fine, that the wild mountain time was still alive in your sweet loving heart. And I stood proud to have you as family, and to be taught about how courage and strength that comes with generosity of spirit and love. Thank you dear Jesse, I will look for you often.

Kippe - Heather's Father